Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Want That Room! {3.14}

Yikes! I've been woefully absent from my blog this week. Craziness ensues in my family at the moment, but I was determined to make time for my favorite post of the week!

Here's the room I'm lusting for this week:

Via Pinterest

Obviously, the gorgeous inky blue on the walls is the biggest draw for me. I just love this color to begin with, but I'd never have thought to use it in a dining room. It helps that there is plenty of natural light and white surfaces and fabrics to offset the darkness. The relative simplicity of the room allows the walls to stand out.

I also love the dining room table and chairs. They look antique and a little worn, which just adds to the charm. Except the two head chairs, of course, which look very comfortable. Can't you imagine lingering over a nice dinner with family or friends? Everything else in this room is just the perfect eclectic mix of traditional and modern. There's a pretty tea set resting on a traditional credenza, but a modern painting hangs over it. You have an antique dining table, but it is paired with some unexpected chairs and graphic pillows.

Just fantastic, isn't it? 


  1. Oh, I love it! I have a special place is my heart for blue and white together. It's so crisp and satisfying. Best of luck with your busy week.

  2. A fabulous room! I love how it all blends together perfectly!:)

  3. Love the blue and white combination. It feels very English to me.

  4. Gorgeous. Love the color scheme going on here!

  5. I love the blue walls! & the white looks so chic against them!!



  6. i want that room too. i am all for the dark blue!! beautiful!
    xo TJ

  7. I second the motion,I want to have that room also. Dark blue walls and white drapes, perfection!

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  8. love your blog, dear <3

    LOVE dress GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG!!! <3

  9. gasp. fabulous post, love. thanks for sharing. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit post. xo

  10. I agree! I also want this room. Blue and white is gorgeous together. Love the dark brown wood also. Glorious.

  11. Stunning room! I love the color combination!

  12. those blue walls are seriously amazing. I wouldn't have thought to paint something that color but it looks so great!

  13. hey love. as a thank you to everyone for helping me win Lauren Conrad's favorite blogger contest, I'm having a fabulous giveaway I'd love for you to enter. Swing by for all the details. xo

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